
As a school, we take the issue of bullying very seriously and bullying of any sort will not be tolerated.

In November of each year we have anti-bullying week. All students in all year groups participate and there are a range of activities throughout the school week where a focus is placed on the issue of bullying and how this is stopped should it arise. We also learn about anti-bullying through PSHE tutor time sessions.

We have a zero toleranceĀ approach to bullying and any reported incidents are taken very seriously. To report an issue of bullying in the first instance contact your tutor or alternatively speak to your key stage pastoral officer or head of year.

If you have concerns about bullying, please contact your child's head of year or a member of the leadership team to discuss.

Also if you have any suggestions on how to improve our anti-bullying work within the school then please contact Mrs Griffin onĀ